CHOICE – In much of what I share, you will notice I bring up the power of choice often, this is because it is so very relevant in every area of our life. Choice is something we are faced with several times a day, these choices we are faced with daily are like a road map that decide the direction of our life path.
MY CHOICE this particular Sunday am ….. The plan last night was to be up and ready to go to church this Sunday am This am, we woke as planned and it seemed within seconds the challenge of making it from bed to church was getting bigger by the second. Right away, the dogs greeted me almost knocking me over, I made it downstairs and the continued excitement from the dogs had their water bowl flooding the floor, my boys were still sleeping and were not being very receptive to my calls and when they did come down it was like they were dragging legs made of stone. My husband was getting ready because he had to work right after church and quickly the small bathroom ( we have 1 ) that hard for one of us to move in, was filled with all my boys and I still seemed to be standing in spilled dog water….we managed to plug away with team work and continue to get ready when I almost slipped and fell on a little wet spot where a bubble landed that my 7 year old blew before he took the bubbles outside and in the middle of trying not to fall on my face, I noticed the house downstairs that I cleaned all the day before, that took so much time wobbling like a duck at 24 wks pregnant and how it looked like a hurricane came and left it’s damage while we were sleeping…in that moment ( 10 minutes till church ) I felt like sitting down and crying, staying home and calling it a day….seconds later, I made the CHOICE to say…… ” not today devil ” gathered myself, tucked away my pregnancy hormones and we left, as a family together and united. Today I really noticed how making this choice is like so many other choices, like the choice to get up and work out….that first 5 – 10 minutes starting out you feel like you can’t stand another second but 5 – 10 minutes in, you already feel so thankful that you started ! So true to form, getting out the door wasn’t easy but the second we all sat together in the car I was already feeling happy with the outcome of the choice and once we arrived to a smiling welcoming congregation ( late ) and sang a few songs, I was even happier and could not have imagined my morning without going. I was also blessed with a warm hug and a compelling message from our pastor on ” community ” along with feeling baby Andrew move to the music and the sound of my boys voices singing…special moments that would not have been made had we stayed home.
Our home is like so many, I don’t mind sharing this real moment or window into my morning because I know like so many, we can have the best plans and even the organization set in place and things will still happen, come up that take you off track and in that moment, we are left faced with a choice, a decision in how we want that moment in time to end.
My reminder for all of of us today is when in those moments, to pause, step back from the situation at hand and to envision the whole picture and MAKE A CHOICE on how we want it to play out. When we take the time to do this, we give ourselves back our power, the power we all have to be the leader in our own life and in the life of our family and friends. Now home, having enjoyed that lovely time of ” community ” at church and a visit to our village farmers market on the way home, I can see the house really isn’t that bad and have already made a big dent in chores calling my name, my husband is gone to work, my boys are happy and the dogs are calm….all is well